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    Information Quality and Security Policy

    AP COMPANIES, S.L., is the one of the largest medical assistance companies with a big network of medical providers distributed throughout the world.

Our main objective is to attend to our clients efficiently, guaranteeing both customer satisfaction and the privacy of the processed data.

Due to the large amount of personal information we process, we consider Information Security and that of personal data as a fundamental pillar of our work and the foundation in order to guarantee the achievement of our business objectives.

This is why the Management of AP COMPANIES S.L. has promoted the implementation of an information management system in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 27001 and UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 standards and is committed to leading, and promoting quality and safety at all levels of the information in accordance with this policy.

Our main guidelines:

AP Companies Management Team.
October 26, 2020